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Mission Possible: Becoming an Agent of Purpose

The goal of this workshop is to educate physical educators on how the standards can be used to drive meaningful and purposeful instruction. Participants will learn the necessary tools to improve academic achievement through research-based instruction aligned to Physical Education Standards. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the revised physical education standards and learn about the rationale behind the recent changes. The PECAT (Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool) and Crosswalk Document resources will be shared. These resources can be utilized to evaluate if the curriculum being used is aligned with the standards and identify any gaps. Best Practices will be modeled in a variety of K-12 standards-based activities. Physical Educators will also explore their role in supporting the components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework

​​Workshop Goals


  1. Identify the five core competencies of social/emotional learning.

  2. Identify strategies to develop a growth mindset using grit and resilience.

  3. Identify activities and strategies to develop the five core competencies of social/emotional learning, grit and resilience in physical education.

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